Customer research icon

Customer research

One-on-one & in-depth

You can’t do customer-centred design without engaging customers. It’s in the name, after all! Any business plan, project plan, customer segmentation, or anything else that gets created in the building is a hypothesis. The only way to know if your hypothesis is true or not is to validate it through customer research.

There are no facts inside the building. The facts exist outside the building. Get out of the building.

Steve Blank
In his book, The Four Steps to the Epiphany: Successful Strategies for Startups That Win.

Our customer research options 

How Might We is a leading market research agency through our proficiency in conducting comprehensive customer research, with a team of experienced researchers with diverse backgrounds in psychology, sociology, and design. Our focus is on uncovering deep insights into customer experiences, behaviours, and motivations. 

We employ a variety of customer centric research methods, tailored to the specific needs of each client. With our experience and expertise, we have helped businesses of all sizes – from startups to corporates – improve their customer experience and satisfaction. We specialise in one-on-one in-depth interviews but are also able to run diary studies and contextual inquiries.

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In-depth interviews

Usually remote, but can be in person, these sessions are 45-60 minutes with each participant. We recommend a minimum of 5, but ideally 10 or 15 respondents per round.

Most of the time, we follow an open-ended interview style. This means we have a discussion guide that we use to ensure we cover certain topics, but the actual questions and order of the questions will change depending on what the respondent tells us. We will also investigate subjects that they bring up that are not in the discussion guide. The reason for this is to uncover topics we did not know we should talk about in the first place.

After this, we are able to run structured interviews or a survey if more quantitative data is needed.

icon: Design Theory

Diary studies

A longer study over a week or two, where we supply participants a diary that they need to fill in every day and ends with an in-depth interview about their experience.

The diary can be physical or digital and may require daily reminders for participants to fill it in.

The entries in the diary are mainly used as discussion points in the interview. We will look back over the last week and talk about each entry in detail.

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Contextual inquiry

Going to a specific location to learn about a customer’s context and real lived experience. We can shadow specific people in an office or stand at a specific location and chat with potential customers.

The best way for us to talk about a particular topic is to get the respondent to show us. Contextual inquiry makes this much easier as most of the things they interact with are there. We can ask a nurse to show us how they use the new USB otoscope or the shopkeeper how they stock take.

Get more than just facts,
get insights.

We don’t just show you customer behaviours – we use our extensive experience in product, service design, and design thinking to convert those behaviours into tangible benefits for your business. This practical, experience-based approach has helped many businesses enhance customer experiences, secure a competitive edge, and fuel growth.  

As one of the top UX research companies in South Africa, our expertise enables our clients to develop products and services that truly resonate with their target audience, ultimately enhancing customer satisfaction, increasing loyalty, and achieving long-term success! 

Got questions or want to book?

In person contextual research

Remote or in-person?

For the majority of our in-depth interviews and diaries, we recommend running them remotely. We have found remote sessions to be more cost-effective and allow for a more diverse audience from across the world. But sometimes, remote is not suitable, and for that reason, we offer both.

Read more about our remote vs in-person research journey


For most research, we use Zoom, but we can chat with customers on any digital platform that supports video and audio. We are comfortable with WhatsApp, Teams, Google Meet, UserZoom, and Lookback. For diary studies, we have found a WhatsApp chat with each respondent to be the easiest way to ask questions and for them to capture their thoughts daily.

For the in-depth interviews, we stream our sessions over a password-protected Vimeo channel so teams can watch live! During the sessions, we chat with the team in group chats to discuss what we are seeing, interesting insights, and questions for further investigations. These sessions will remain as recordings for others to watch later.

We share a communal online Miro board before the sessions, so if anyone wants to, they can add comments or take notes. Afterwards, we will analyse the sessions and create a detailed findings report.


Depending on where in the country you would like the sessions to take place, we will organise a suitable venue. We can organise formal market research facilities with one-way glass, or even just two meeting rooms with good internet. We will organise lunch and have informal discussions between sessions. It’s usually a very insightful day, and we welcome teams to stay the whole day if possible.

We can also visit customers in their spaces, to learn about their unique context. (We often visit nurses to learn about how they use technology in the clinic).

Read more about our view on remote UX research. 


Customer research questions

Book a customer research package today

and learn more about who your customers are and what they need

At How Might We, we’re big on helping businesses get to know their customers through qualitative customer research. 

Ready to discover how customer research can revolutionise your business? Don’t hesitate to get in touch for a chat or to find out more about what we can offer. With How Might We, customer research isn’t just a box-to-tick exercise—it’s the key to creating top-notch user experiences and nailing digital success. Let’s create something amazing together!  

Being customer-centric is the secret to digital success, and the first step to being customer-centric is knowing your customers! 

Chat with us and let’s turn your user insights into actionable improvements!