What can’t be usability tested?

Usability tests are great at finding out problems in a design or customer journey. What it can’t do is prove that a customer will definitely use it or how much they will pay for it, outside of the test. Usability testing will ensure that you don’t have...

What are the different types of usability tests?

Depending on what we want to learn and the fidelity of the designs we are testing, there are a few techniques we can use within usability testing. Concept test We use this when we want to test a concept of a solution, rather than the interface itself. The concept test...

What are you consenting to as a research participant?

Every year, we contact hundreds of people to help us with feedback on our client’s products and services. If we have been contacted to be part of a research session, we appreciate your time and opinions. It helps our clients immensely. When you participate in a...

How can I confirm the research is legitimate?

We work with a network of market research recruiters to help find everyday people to participate in research. If someone has called you on behalf of How Might We or one of our clients, and you want to confirm the call, feel free to give us a call or drop us an email,...

What about focus groups?

Focus groups have their place in market research and can be extremely valuable, but we have found that we gain a far deeper understanding of customers when we interview them individually. This is mainly because of the types of questions we need to answer. We are not...