How is UX research different in South Africa?

Conducting user testing and customer research in South Africa and broader Africa requires a knowledge of the local market inside and out. The unique mix of cultural, tech and economic factors at play here can hugely influence how users interact with digital platforms....

Will UX research slow down development teams?

If you consider development to be releasing features and stop timing after launch, then yes, it could slow down the development process. But if you consider development to be releasing customer value and include the time needed to fix issues after launch, then no, it...

Why is UX research a good investment?

UX research can help increase revenue and lower expenses. It’s usually quite hard to work out the exact RIO of research, but when you have experienced products not meeting customer expectations or software projects fail to launch, it’s a very easy investment....

What is UX research?

UX research is a process of learning about customers’ needs, behaviours, and motivations to understand their lived experience with brand services and is often more focused on digital platforms. It aims to improve the overall experience created by a brand by...